How can digital touchpoints + features increase user trust?
This project focused on understanding the problems foreign students deal with while renting a home internationally. The purpose was to understand the issues they face and build a service application that can resolve it. My team developed an app called Roofer with UI design that would make the service experience more supportive and meaningful to our target audience. This project followed the Google UI Design Approach guided by Payton Meyer, Senior UI Designer at Google Search USA.
- Identifying gaps in the User Journey of rentals for international students
- Performed a competitor analysis of app market for rentals
- Building Critical User Journey to identify User Values
- Connecting User values to Service Interface features
- UI Hierarchy/ Wireframing and Brand Development of application
- Designing the Figma Prototype for Service Application.
1 week workshop, March 2023
User Journey Map
In order to identify the key problems of our user we first built a user journey map. We interviewed 2 students about their past experience with home bookings as international students. It helped us to build a User Journey to map the gaps in experience.
Competitor UI Analysis
In order to better understand User Interfaces we spent time studying popular home rental platforms for international students. We analyzed the offerings, user interface and values that they were offer to our users.
Critical User Journey
We used a popular tool used by Google called CUJ (Critical User Journey) building to identify what problems we truly need to solve. We extracted the gaps from the User Journey and wrote from the perspective of the user - "As a ... [use persona]-I want to.... [goal]- So I.... [task]". This helped us to identify the key values the user is seeking.
Value to UI features
We identified that the key values that users are seeking are
We then mapped these to the Interface features and functions.
UI Hierarchy
We established all the key functions that our app would offer:-
We want to show them international homes available to be booked
We want them to gain all needed information about a listing
Allow them to search for global locations
Set a perimeter to search for the listing
Read or watch the reviews
Read the user profile
Request to contact user (via communication channel)
Saving , Communicating and guidance channels
Prioritize the preferred listings
Chat with the user (via communication channel)
Read or watch the reviews
Read the user profile
Request to contact user
UI Wireframing
UI Branding
Component Library
" Soukarni and Naomi demonstrated an ability to execute comprehensive user flows based on clear critical user journeys. Their design solutions were very well done and clearly this wasn’t their first time designing UIs as they were simple and beautiful. The cherry on top was the branding exercises that this team achieved. They really went above and beyond!"
Senior Interaction Designer
Google Search, USA